Major Historical Events I witnessed and remember

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What major historical events do you remember?

  1. Death of Yasir Arfat
  2. War of Kargil
  3. Death of Kernel Qazafi
  4. 9/11
  5. Iraq war
  6. Afghanistan war
  7. Loads of bomb blast news every now and then on national TV
  8. Massacre of Laal Masjid
  9. The fall of govt on 12th October 1999
  10. Death of Benazir Bhutto
    • Many deaths of family members including parents, grand parents, cousins, etc.
      • The list may go on but while composing this list it downed to me there had been uncountable number of happiness and ceremonial events in life but the most memorable ones or the ones my memory finds touchable and remembers are the ones carrying loss of human life and in most cases the treacherous nature of human being is responsible for all this.
        • Let’s hope for humanity’s return to HUMANITY.

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